The Parallels: “Avatar: The Last Airbender” and the Armenian Genocide — A Shocking Connection

Arman Mkrtchyan
6 min readFeb 27, 2024

While watching a cartoon or a live action re-make of a show as big as the Avatar the Last Airbender, you often wonder where ideas from the film is drawn from. We often find narratives that reflect the complexities of the real world, and this is no exception. Hang on because we are going to go back 100 years, and this time, we are not just talking about the Airbender Genocide.

“A hundred years passed and my brother Sokka and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Aang.”

Let’s dive into the shocking parallels between the fictional Airbender genocide in the show and the devastating events of the Armenian Genocide. Prepare yourself for a riveting exploration that connects two seemingly disparate worlds in an unexpected way.

The Power of Element Bending vs. Ethnic Identity

“Avatar The Last Airbender” introduces us to a world where people possess the ability to bend the elements — water, earth, fire, and air. Strikingly similar, the Armenian Genocide targeted a specific ethnic group based on their identity and Christian fate. The bending abilities, representing distinct cultures in the show, draw a haunting parallel to the deliberate targeting of Armenians based on their ethnic identity. This comparison opens a profound exploration into how both narratives utilize unique characteristics as a means of control and oppression, raising questions about the impact of identity-based persecution.

Sozin of the Fire Nation VS Talaat Pasha of the Ottoman Empire

A striking comparison emerges when considering Sozin, the ambitious Fire Nation ruler, and Talaat Pasha, one of the key orchestrators of the Armenian Genocide. Both figures wielded significant political power and played pivotal roles in initiating campaigns of cultural erasure and oppression. Sozin’s aggressive expansionist goals and the Fire Nation’s quest for dominance mirror Talaat Pasha’s agenda within the Ottoman Empire, where he played a central role in orchestrating the systematic extermination of the Armenian population. The ruthless pursuit of power and the implementation of destructive policies by both leaders resulted in catastrophic consequences for the targeted communities, emphasizing the harrowing parallels between the fictional narrative and the historical reality of the Armenian Genocide. Examining the motivations and actions of Sozin and Talaat Pasha offers a lens through which we can understand the dangers of unchecked political ambition and the devastating impact it can have on vulnerable populations

The Fire Nation’s Ambition vs. Ottoman Empire’s Agenda

Drawing parallels between the ambitious Fire Nation in the show and the expansionist goals of the Ottoman Empire during the Armenian Genocide, we uncover a fascinating correlation. The Fire Nation’s desire for power and dominance mirrors the geopolitical ambitions that fueled the Ottoman Empire’s actions during the early 20th century. Explore how both narratives depict the consequences of unchecked ambition, leading to widespread suffering and loss. The show’s portrayal of the Fire Nation’s military conquests echoes the historical events that unfolded as the Ottoman Empire sought territorial expansion, ultimately contributing to the tragic fate of the Armenian population.

The Struggle for Peace

As Aang, the last Airbender, strives to bring balance and peace to the world, so too did the Armenian people resist the atrocities committed against them. Aang’s journey for harmony becomes a poignant metaphor for the resilience and resistance displayed by the Armenian population. We find Aang’s quest to maintain equilibrium in a war-torn world and the real-world struggles of the Armenian people to preserve their cultural identity and resist the forces seeking to annihilate them. This exploration highlights the universal theme of resistance in the face of injustice and the human capacity for resilience, as portrayed in both fiction and historical reality.

Air Nomads’ Eradication vs. Armenian Population Decimation

The devastating portrayal of the Airbender genocide in “Avatar: The Last Airbender” echoes the heartbreaking reality faced by the Armenian people in the early 20th century. The systematic destruction of entire communities in the show reflects the horrifying events of the Armenian Genocide, where the Air Nomads’ decimation mirrors the immense suffering experienced by the Armenian population. This connection prompts us to think about the broader impact of genocide and highlights the significance of acknowledging and preserving cultural heritage. The show’s portrayal encourages us to recognize the importance of cultural identity in the face of systematic attempts to erase entire communities, emphasizing the lasting importance of preserving our cultural heritage.

The Weight of Collective Memory

The unsettling resonance between the Armenian Genocide and “Avatar: The Last Airbender” becomes even more profound when we draw parallels to Adolf Hitler’s infamous statement, “Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?” In both instances, there’s a deliberate attempt to suppress and erase the collective memory of atrocities committed against a specific group. Hitler’s chilling acknowledgment of the world’s indifference to the Armenian Genocide finds an unexpected echo in the show, where the Fire Nation’s war crimes are initially dismissed or downplayed. This comparison raises thought-provoking questions about the consequences of historical amnesia and the importance of acknowledging past atrocities. Just as the characters in the show grapple with the weight of collective memory, viewers are prompted to reflect on the broader implications of forgetting or ignoring the lessons embedded in history

The Deniel & Propaganda

In a thought-provoking parallel, “Avatar: The Last Airbender” depicts Aang attending a Fire Nation school where false narratives are propagated, teaching children that the Fire Nation was defending itself against the Air Nomad army. However, the truth reveals that the Air Nomads were ambushed and had no formal military. This deliberate misinformation echoes the modern-day denial by Turkey of the Armenian Genocide, as they propagate a distorted version of historical events. The denial of the Armenian Genocide is akin to the Fire Nation’s revisionist history, perpetuating false narratives to shape a particular narrative and avoid taking responsibility for past atrocities. Just as Aang grapples with uncovering the truth in the show, the international community faces the ongoing challenge of confronting denial and advocating for the accurate acknowledgment of historical injustices, emphasizing the crucial role of truth and accountability in healing collective wounds.

The Remembrance and Recognition

Now, let’s look into how the international community responds within the world of “Avatar: The Last Airbender” and draw connections to the real-world challenges of recognizing the Armenian Genocide. In the show, we witness alliances, diplomatic efforts, and resistance against the aggressive Fire Nation, reflecting the intricate dynamics of international relations. Comparing these struggles for acknowledgment and justice to the historical context, particularly the Armenian Genocide, sheds light on the persistent efforts of the Armenian people fighting for recognition and remembrance. The Armenians have tirelessly advocated for the acknowledgment of the atrocities they endured. This prompts all of us to reflect on the critical role of the international community in supporting such efforts, underscoring the crucial need for collective responsibility in the face of injustice.

“It’s easy to do nothing, it’s hard to forgive.” — Aang

As we draw the curtain on this unexpected connection between “Avatar: The Last Airbender” and the Armenian Genocide, we come to realize that even in the realm of fantasy, echoes of reality persist. This comparison serves as a poignant reminder that storytelling can be a powerful medium for exploring and understanding the depths of human history and the consequences of unchecked power. The uncanny parallels that weave these two narratives together prompt us to reflect on the enduring impact of both fiction and reality.



Arman Mkrtchyan

Finding the best Hacks so you don’t have to. Life hacks, marketing hacks, and small business hacks. Working towards a future of innovation and exploration.