5 Ways to Get Rid of Jet Lag

Arman Mkrtchyan
4 min readJun 21, 2021
Jet Lag Sleep Mask

Let’s jump into the 5 ways to get rid of jet lag, but first, what is jet lag? We use it all the time, but how serious is the condition and do you have jet lag? The term “jet lag” is coined from traveling on planes and it’s common association towards international plane travel where you move time zones. Your body’s internal clock regulator is not familiar with the sync of your new time zone when you were sleeping in let’s say, Los Angeles, California and now you’re awake at the same time looking at daylight in France, Italy. Jet lag can further into an actual sleep disorder that can affect people who travel quickly across time zones. This is all temporary, but it can last hours or sometimes days on end. Fatigue and difficulty sleeping can build, but you can speed up the process with 5 ways below.

5 Ways to Get Rid of Jet Lag:

  • IV Therapy
  • Getting Rest and Staying Hydrated
  • Use of Over the Counter Medication
  • Exposure to Nature
  • Prepare a Good Environment for Sleep

IV Therapy For Jet Lag

When looking for ways to get rid of jet lag, one of the best ways for a quick cure is to get a Jet Lag IV Therapy that’s full of necessary fluids and vitamins that your body needs for recovery. A normal jet lag iv therapy bag contains normal saline, pain relief medication, B-vitamins, and Multivitamins. Once only allowed in hospitals, IV Therapy has quickly expanded to hotels, spas, and resorts. Without a doubt, IV Therapy is the number one recommended solution for jet lag since fluids are injected directly into the bloodstream to absorb 100% of the benefits to your body.

Getting Rest and Staying Hydrated

When looking for a way to get rid of Jet Lag, it’s always suggested to get a good rest even if you’re not sleepy. You should get accustomed to the new time zone and do your best to rest during the time where you would usually sleep, which is most often after 9pm.

Use of Over the Counter Medication

Many times when your jet-lagged, it’s common for people to rush to drug stores and get over-the-counter medications to ease the pain and have the ability to sleep. Usually, people take Melatonin to help them sleep and Probiotics for the shift in the digestion of the place they are traveling to.

Melatonin for Jet Lag:

The hormone that is naturally made in our bodies to sleep is Melatonin. That doesn’t mean you can’t find a supplement form. Melatonin pills are available over the counter and may help realign your internal clock after a jet lag. Many studies have shown a supplement of melatonin after jet lag has significantly improved the chances of getting you back to normal and helping you realign your sleep schedule.

Probiotics for Jet Lag:

Diet and Digestion health is an important part of jet lag as you are exposed to new environmental conditions and new food sources. Your gut needs to adjust so it’s best to take probiotics before and after a big trip to help sustain the changing environment and prevent any jet lag. Your best choice is to watch what you eat during the first two days after landing in a new time zone.

Exposure to Nature

Another way to deal with jet lag is to expose yourself to nature. That is getting some sun on your face, breathing the air, and placing your bare feet on the ground. Let your brain conform to the environment and if you have to be barefoot to feel the earth, then that is an option. We have no scientific evidence that this is conclusive, but it has been said to help many people with jet lag after a survey on how to deal with jetlag. There is no magic pill, just you vs nature.

Prepare a Good Environment for Sleep

One of the best solutions for jet lag is to prepare yourself for sleep. Not only does this mean before your trip, but also during your stay at your destination location. A person should adjust their sleeping schedule before heading out to a new destination. This means either waiting to sleep on the plane or staying awake until you have arrived at your new location if you arrive at night. During your stay when you’re ready to sleep, you should block out light, shut off any screen time, and assume you are still sleeping in your regular bed.


Jet lag is common and you do not have to worry if you are getting familiar with your new environment and time zone. Jet lag symptoms will usually go away within a few days but can be expedited using the techniques mentioned in this article. Now go out there, get some sun and sleep!



Arman Mkrtchyan

Finding the best Hacks so you don’t have to. Life hacks, marketing hacks, and small business hacks. Working towards a future of innovation and exploration.